A new witness says that the foreseen, Gps sale by the end of year 2012 will be nearby 3 billion Euros. The next generation satellite sailing law is foreseen, to hit the shop within a integrate of years. With the improved synthetic brain and information relay system, the Satellite sailing technology is foreseen, to reach the apex in the near future. The cutting edge technology like dubbed Cadre (Congestion Avoidance Dynamic routine Engine) is some of the new innovation in the Gps system. Let us discuss some of the developed features which are dominating the Sat Nav technologies in the Uk market.

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Voice Recognition Software:

Most of the Sat Nav nowadays is fitted with voice recognition software. You can simply talk to your navigators like the same way you talk trough your movable phones. You can interact with the navigators and it can plot the route for you. However, technology evolution keeps the software updated on regular time scale. More developed features are foreseen, to arrive in the near future.
Traffic administration system:
Never mind about the snarl-up, with the smart traffic administration system, you can be updated about the traffics well in advance. The machine keeps you informed about the upcoming traffic jams. This will shorten your journey time as well as makes your journey hassle free.
Lane Guide Technology:
When you're traveling in an unfamiliar road, the multiple lanes will muddle your mind. The smart lane guidance law in the navigator can guide you to pick the right lane. Preinstalled Gps in car will be more costly than portable models. Bun fact this is one of the lively features of the satellite navigators. Advancement is being made in this technology to make it more clear and precise.
This is one of the most new technologies introduced in the satellite navigators. This technology is devised to sense the traffic jams by merely sensing the variations in the vehicle movements. This can alert the drivers to avoid the possible qoute beforehand. They can sense the snarl-ups 10 miles before they encounter them. This is based on the technology called "Fuzzy Logic". This is nothing but a involved series of logic based algorithm that can mimic the human mind. The law is capable of interpreting the live data from current traffic conditions so as to alert the motorist informed about the snarl-ups. Thus the motorist can pick an alternative pathway well in advance.
Car Integrated Gps System:
This is one of the more developed versions of satellite navigators. Many sedans are now integrated with satellite navigators. Gone are the days when the Gps based utility was rare and expensive. Nowadays Sat Nav is an integral part of the sedans. Car integrated Sat Navs are becoming well-known in the Uk market. This type of Satellite sailing is some what separate from the conventional navigators. They are mostly pre-loaded with the Uk and European maps. All the vital features like voice recognition, lane assist features etc., are well equipped.
You can even bookmark your frequent location so as to enable the Sat Nav to load the location automatically, when you visit the same spot the next time. You can even load new maps with a help of Cd Rom. In certain models, there is a facility to play your popular music track. This in fact saves your car space effectively. You can even avail live traffic updates. Some car integrated Sat Nav has speed alarm features too.
More developed features are foreseen, to arrive in future. This will not only make the satellite sailing a sophisticated object but also make this as vital equipment for your commute.
Next Generation Sat Nav
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